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Google Play games services for iOS is deprecated, and is not likely to function as expected.Do not use Google Play games services for iOS in new apps. See thedeprecation announcement blog postfor more details.

This guide shows you how to save and load a player’s game progress data usingthe Saved Games service in an iOS application. You can use thisservice to automatically load and save player game progress at any pointduring gameplay. You can also use this service to provide players with theability to trigger a user interface to update or restore an existing save game,or create a new save game.

Before you begin

If you haven't already done so, you might find it helpful to review theSaved Games overview.

Before you start to code using the Saved Games API:

  • Install the iOS Play Games SDK.
  • Set up your iOS development environment.
  • Download and review the Saved Games code sample.
  • Enable the Saved Games service in the Google Play Console.

Data formats and cross-platform compatibility

Saved Games data that you plan on saving to Google’s servers must be in anNSData format. The Saved Games service takes care of encoding your data in across-platform compatible manner. Android applications can read in this samedata as a byte array without any cross-platform compatibility issues.

Avoid using platform-specific formats when choosing a data format for yourSaved Games data. It's strongly encouraged that you use a data format likeXML or JSON, which has strong library support on multiple platforms.

Enabling the Saved Games service

Before calling the Saved Games API, you must first enable the service in yourcode.

If you are using GPGManager to perform sign-in automatically with thesignInWithClientID:silently: method, enable the Saved Games servicewhen starting your game (before player sign-in) by settingsnapshotsEnabled = YES.

If you are signing players in manually, you also need to add the Drive API toyour sign-in scope before performing player sign-in. For example:

Displaying Saved Games

In your game, you can provide an option that players can trigger to save orrestore saved games. When players select this option, your game should bringup a screen that displays existing save slots, and allow players to eithersave or load from one of these slots, or create a new saved game.

To simplify your development,the GPGLauncherController provides a default Saved Games selection userinterface (UI) that you can use out-of-the-box. The Saved Games selection UI allowsplayers to create a new saved game, view details about existing saved games,and load previous save games.

To bring up the default Saved Games UI and handle the player's UI selection:

  1. Implement the GPGSnapshotListLauncherDelegate interface.

  2. Implement the delegate methods that will be called when the player picks asaved game.

    The default Saved Games UI also provides players with a button (located at thebottom of the UI) to create a new save game, rather than selecting an existing one.When players click on this button, the Saved Games service triggers thedelegate method to indicate that a new saved game should be created.

  3. Before your game can receive messages from the default Saved Games UI, youmust assign your object as the Saved Games selection UI delegate.

  4. To enable the 'New save' button, set the appropriate values in theshouldAllowCreateForSnapshotListLauncher and maxSaveSlotsForSnapshotListLauncher methods.

  5. Now, you can present the Saved Games UI to players from your game.

Opening Saved Games

To access a saved game and read or modify its contents, you first need to openthe GPGSnapshotMetadata object representing that saved game.

The following code shows how you can open a saved game:

Reading Saved Games

To load a saved game, first open the GPGSnapshotMetadata representing thatsaved game, then call the readWithCompletionHandler: method. You can onlyread the saved game when GPGSnapshotMetadata.isOpen is YES.

In the completion handler, the saved game data is available when the error is nil.

Detecting and resolving data conflicts

When you open a GPGSnapshotMetadata, the Saved Games service detectsif a conflicting saved game exists. Data conflicts might occur when the savedgame stored on a player's local device is out-of-sync with the remote versionstored in Google's servers.

The conflictPolicy you specify when opening a saved game tells the SavedGames service how to automatically resolve a data conflict, if one is detected.The policy can be one of the following:

Conflict PolicyDescription
GPGSnapshotConflictPolicyManualIndicates no resolution action should be performed by the Saved Games service. Instead, your game will perform a custom merge.
GPGSnapshotConflictPolicyLongestPlaytimeIndicates the Saved Games service should pick thesaved game with the largest play time value.
GPGSnapshotConflictPolicyBaseWinsIndicates the Saved Games service should pick the basesaved game to resolve the conflict. The base version is the most-up-to-dateversion known by the Saved Games service to be accurate.
GPGSnapshotConflictPolicyRemoteWinsIndicates the Saved Games service should pick the remotesaved game to resolve the conflict. The remote version is a version of the savedgame detected on one of the player's devices that has a more recent timestampthan the base version.

If you specified a conflict policy other than GPGSnapshotConflictPolicyManual,the Saved Games service will merge the saved game and return the updated versionthrough the GPGSnapshotOpenBlock callback. Your game can open the saved game,write to it, then call the commitWithMetadataChange:data:completionHandler:Marvel vs capcom 2 pcsx2 iso download. method to commit the saved game to Google’s servers.

Performing a custom merge

If you specified GPGSnapshotConflictPolicyManual as the conflict policy,your game must resolve any data conflict detected before performing furtherread or write operations on the saved game.

In this case, when a data conflict is detected, the service returns thefollowing parameters through the GPGSnapshotOpenBlock callback:

  • A conflictId to uniquely identify this conflict (you will use this valuewhen resolving the final version of the saved game); and
  • The conflicting base version of the saved game; and
  • The conflicting remote version of the saved game.

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Your game must make a decision on what data to save, then call theresolveWithMetadataChange:conflictId:data:completionHandler: method tocommit the resolved/final version to Google’s servers.

Writing Saved Games

To write a saved game, first open the GPGSnapshotMetadata representing thatsaved game, resolve any data conflicts detected, then call thecommitWithMetadataChange:data:completionHandler: method to commityour saved game changes .

Note: You can only perform a commit operation after opening asaved game (that is, when GPGSnapshotMetadata.isOpen is YES). Oncecommitted, the saved game is immediately closed and must be reopened to becommitted again.

The following example shows how you might create a change and commit asaved game.

  1. First, create a saved game change that includes the image data used forthe cover image:

  2. Next, commit the saved game changes.

    The data parameter contains all of save game data that you are storing.The change also contains additional saved game metadata data such as timeplayed and a description for the saved game.

If the commit operation completed successfully, players will be able to seethe saved game appear in the Saved Games selection UI.

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Google Play games services for iOS is deprecated, and is not likely to function as expected.Do not use Google Play games services for iOS in new apps. See thedeprecation announcement blog postfor more details.

Welcome to iOS game development with Google Play games services!

The Play Games SDK provides cross-platform Google Play games services that lets you easilyintegrate popular gaming features such as achievements, leaderboards,and multiplayer to your tablet and mobile games.

This document describes the basic steps to make an iOS game usingthe Play Games SDK. Please note that these instructions supersede theGoogle Sign-In for iOSdocumentation.

Before you begin

Creating applications using the Google Games SDK requires:

  • Xcode version 6.0 or higher
  • A mobile device running iOS 7.0 or higher

Step 1: Explore the sample games

If you haven't already done so, you might find it helpful to download and reviewthe sample games, which demonstrate proper use of all of the Google Play games servicesfeatures on iOS. All sample games for iOS can be found on thesamples downloads page page.Follow the instructions in the README file within each sample to learn how toinitialize and run them.

Step 2: Create (or open) your Xcode project

Create a new project in Xcode, or open an existing project. Take note of yourBundle Identifier, since you'll need this value in the next step. This isusually something like com.*your_company*.*your_project*.

If you're creating a new project, you are encouraged to select thesingle-view application option. This takes care of setting up the viewcontroller for your game.

Step 3: Add your game to the Google Play Console

Create an entry for your game in the Google Play Console. Thisenables Google Play games services for your application, and creates an OAuth 2.0client ID, if you don't already have one.

  1. Add an entry for your iOS game by following the steps described inSetting Up Google Play Games Services.
  2. Take note of your game's OAuth 2.0client ID; you will need this later.
  3. (Optional) Add achievements and leaderboards to your game by following thesteps described in Configuring Achievements and Leaderboards.
  4. Add accounts for other members of your team to test your game by followingthe steps described in Publishing Your Game Changes.

Step 4: Install the SDKs

Before using the Google Play games services APIs, you must install therequired libraries using one of these approaches.

Option 1: Using CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for installing Objective-Clibraries. If you have CocoaPods installed, you can use it to install thePlay Games SDK for iOS by following these steps:

  1. Create a Podfile andmake sure that it specifies a platform of ios 7.0 or later
  2. Add the GooglePlayGames pod to your Podfile. A typical podfile might looklike this:

  3. Run pod install from the command line.

  4. Open the generated .xcworkspace file for your app.
  5. Open your project in XCode, and continue from the Add a sign-in andsign-out button section below.

Option 2: Manual installation

To install the Play Games SDK for iOS manually without using CocoaPods, followthese steps:

  1. Download and extract the latest Google Sign-In SDK from theGoogle Sign-In Downloads page.
  2. Copy the following items from the Google Sign-in SDK into your project:
    • GoogleSignIn.bundle
    • GoogleSignIn.framework
  3. Download and extract the latest Google+ iOS SDK from theGoogle+ Downloads page.
  4. Copy the following items from the Google+ SDK into your project:
    • GoogleOpenSource.framework
  5. Download and extract the Play Games SDK for iOS. The latest version isavailable on the SDKs download page.
  6. Add the following items to your Xcode project:
    • gpg.bundle
    • gpg.framework
  7. Open your project settings and in the Build Phases tab,Link Binary With Libraries section, click the + sign and add the followingframeworks:
    • AddressBook.framework
    • AssetsLibrary.framework
    • CoreData.framework
    • CoreLocation.framework
    • CoreMotion.framework
    • CoreTelephony.framework
    • CoreText.framework
    • Foundation.framework
    • MediaPlayer.framework
    • QuartzCore.framework
    • SafariServices
    • Security.framework
    • StoreKit
    • Security.framework
    • SystemConfiguration.framework
    • libc++.dylib
    • libz.dylib
  8. Add the ObjC linkerflag to the apptarget's build settings. In your target settings, select Build Settings >Linking > Other Linker Flags, then add -ObjC as a flag.

Step 5: Add a sign-in and sign-out button

In your view controller, add a sign-in button and a sign-out button. Make sureyour sign-in button conforms to theGoogle Sign-in branding guidelines. To reduceyour development effort, many of the built-in user-interfaces provided byGoogle Play games services already include a sign-out option so you don't need to add thismanually.

To add the sign-in and sign-out buttons:

  1. Control-drag these two buttons into your view controller .m file's privatecategory (the section contained by the @interface). This createsIBOutlet objects for these buttons.

  2. Next, control-drag these two buttons into the @implementation sectionof your view controller's .m file. This creates the following methods forhandling the player's button presses.

Step 6: Import the Play Games SDK and enable sign-in

  1. Import the GooglePlayGames header file. Tip: The easiest way to dothis is to open up your application's .pch file and add the following line:

    By putting this import statement in your application's precompiled headerfile, you don't have to import this header in all your other files.

  2. In your view controller's .m file, or in a separate constants file, setyour client ID. This is the string you previously recorded in the'Add your game to the Google Play Console' section.

  3. Add the following code to the two buttonWasPressed methods you previouslycreated in the 'Add a sign-in and sign-out button' section.

  4. When a player signs in to Google, the sign-in process takes place in a web viewwithin your game.

    1. In your target settings Info tab, scroll down to the URL Types section, and click the + icon to add two new URL types. Specify two unique strings in the two new Identifier fields. For the first URL type, specify your client ID in reversed order in the URL Schemas field. For the second URL type, specify your app's bundle identifier in the URL Schemas field. For additional detail on entering this information, see the Google Sign-in quick migration guide.

    2. In your app delegate .m file, import the Google Sign-in framework.

    3. Call the GIDSignIn URL handler from your app delegate's URLhandler. This method handles the URL that your application receives atthe end of the authentication process.

You can now test your application and be able to sign in and out. When testerssign in, they will use a web view within your application to complete thesign-in process.

Warning: For your application to successfully handle the redirect URL, youmust set the uiDelegate:

[GIDSignIn sharedInstance].uiDelegate = self;

Step 7: Add a GPGStatusDelegate

Next, add the code to let your app know that when sign-in process iscompleted.

  1. In your viewDidLoad private category, declare that your view controller is aGPGStatusDelegate

  2. Next, tell the GPGManager that this class will be its status delegate. You cando this in many places throughout your application (such as in your AppDelegate).The following snippet shows how you can do this from the viewDidLoad methodfor your initial view controller:

  3. Implement these GPGStatusDelegate methods: didFinishGamesSignInWithError(to handle completion of player sign-in) and didFinishGamesSignOutWithError(to handle completion of player sign-out).

  4. Create an empty method for the refreshInterfaceBasedOnSignIn call.

    Now when testers sign in or out, they should see the appropriate messagereported in the console log.

  5. Fill out the implementation for the refreshInterfaceBasedOnSignIn method.Use the GPGManager's isSignedIn property to determine what button to show.

Now, when testers finish signing in, the sign-in button will be hidden. Whenthey sign out, the sign-out button will be hidden and the sign-in button shouldre-appear.

Step 8: Automatically sign in returning players

You can also sign players in automatically, to avoid having them sign in everytime they launch your game. The GPGManager will automatically signthe player in when you specify silently:YES in the signInWithClientID method.This call succeeds if all the following conditions are met:

  • The player has authorized your application in the past;
  • The player has not revoked access to your application; and
  • The app is not requesting new scopes since the player last signed in.

Using this behavior, you can sign the player in automatically to your game byadding the signInWithClientID:silently: call to the end of your viewDidLoadmethod, with silently set to YES.

Run your application and notice that, unless you signed out when you lastused your application, you are now signed in automatically.

Download Game Center On Android

Step 9: Add some interface refinements

When the application starts player sign-in automatically, there is a small delaybetween the time sign-in starts and completes. Your game should disable the UIduring this time. To do this, use the fact that thesignInWithClientID:silently method returns YES if it is attempting to signthe player in automatically.

  1. First, add an instance variable to your view controller class to keep trackof whether or not you are signing the player in silently:

  2. Next, use that variable to record what gets returned from thesignInWithClientID:silently: method, and then immediately callrefreshInterfaceBasedOnSignIn.

  3. Add the following lines to your refreshInterfaceBasedOnSignIn method todisable the sign-in and sign-out buttons if the player is silently signing in:

  4. Finally, set _silentlySigningIn to NO right before you callrefreshInterfaceBasedOnSignIn in the two GPGEventDelegate methods:

How To Download Game Center On Android

Now, when testers start your application, they should see your sign-inbutton, but it will be hidden during the automatic sign-in. Onceinitial player sign-in is completed, the sign-in button is hidden and asign-out button appears.

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Congratulations! At this point, you are now ready to start adding achievements,leaderboards, quests, and other Google Play games services features to your game.